Kamu Harus Tahu

Jeju menghangat

Ghea Indrawari
Gyeongbokgung Palace

Gerry Giovanny
One Of The Best Moment

Dinda Kirana

. “Nice Weather • Nice Place • Nice Clothes •” .

안녕하세요 ☺️🤗❤️ #DEAANS #celebrityonvacation

Dea Anissa
Hari pertama di Jeju

Aruan Marsha

Military zone of South Korea and North Korea

fay nabila
Winter wonderland

Arnold Cristiano
Hey guys, I love traveling and one lf the best place I’ve ever visited is Korea,...

Janine Intan Sari

A little bit of #throwbackmoment when I was in Korea several years ago.

Dindra Nashriyah
Kesan pertama yang aku dapat pas sampe Korea, senang dan seru bangeett.

Enzy Storia Leovarisa
Salah satu experience yang paling berkesan adalah ketika aku nyoba pake Hanbok d...

Natya Shina

I’ve been in Korea 3 times but this is my first time wearing hanbok and strollin...

Furry Citra
“A screengrab from the time when I decided to joined the zip track in Gaudo, une...

Alexander Thian
Di #korea, aku melihat banyak cinta. Tidak berwujud wajah-wajah rupawan yang men...

Alexander Thian

Last few days have been so fun! Explored both Gangjin & Busan

Titan Tyra