CALL FOR PROPOSAL : Event Organizer (EO) for 2024 K-Medical Roadshow

CALL FOR PROPOSAL : Event Organizer (EO) for 2024 K-Medical Roadshow

Background and Target Objectives
1. To raise awareness of Korea as medical tourism destination and increase medical wellness tourists’ arrival from Indonesia through the participation of Korea’s medical institutions.
2. Inspire potential travelers to visit Korea for their next holiday plan by creating an interactive space where public can experience Korea’s medical, beauty, and wellness firsthand.


Project Overview
Project Name : 2024 K-Medical Roadshow
Location : Jakarta
Venue : open for suggestion (preferably a shopping mall with high visitors traffic)
Period : 17 – 20 Oct 2024 or 23 – 26 Oct 2024

             17/23 Oct 2024 – B2B in hotel (preferably connected with the mall)
             18-20 Oct 2024 / 24-26 Oct 2024 – B2C in shopping mall
Budget : IDR 2,000,000,000 (open for discussion)
Concept : An offline integrated event with various interactive programs and/or promotion, gimmick, etc.
Scope of Work : Responsible for the whole process related to 2024 Korea Medical Roadshow (includes: design and content creation, plan and management, buyer matching, meeting scheduling, after event report, souvenir handling, marketing strategies, event programs, etc.*) *if needed, once the company is selected it will be specifically discussed and mentioned in the contract


Date Agenda
11 June – 25 June 2024 Quotation + Proposal Submission
26 June 2024 Selected proposal detailed presentation (online or offline if needed)
27 – 28 June 2024 Selection process by KTO Jakarta
1 July 2024 Selected Company Announcement



▪ 2024 K-Medical Travel Mart
A B2B networking session to introduce and promote Korea as a medical tourism destination to local travel agencies and consultation session for B2C VIP.
o Date : 17 or 23 Oct 2024 / 13:00 – 20:00
o Venue : Hotel ballroom (open for suggestion)
o Type of event : B2B & B2C VIP business matching
o Participant : 150 pax
o Objective : Number of business matching (B2B) & encourage buyers’ decision to book appointment or purchase products (B2C)
o Installed booth : 22 booths / tables for exhibitors (21 exhibitors + 1 KTO booth)
o The rundown for the travel mart shall include but not limited to welcoming speech, short presentation, and on-stage entertainment. Lucky draw and any other interactive activities can also be included if deemed necessary. (Subject to change and open for any suggestion of meeting management model)

K-Medical Roadshow Program

Time Agenda Remarks
13.00 – 13.30 B2C Guest Registration Coffee Break
13.30 – 15.30 B2C VIP session  
15.30 – 16.00 B2B Guest Registration Coffee Break
16.00 – 18.20 B2B session  
18.20 – 18.30 Break Move to dinner hall
18.30 – 18.40 Opening  
18.40 – 18.50 Welcoming speech 1 & 2 Each 5 mins
18.50 – 19.00 Presentation by KTO  
19.00 – 19.40 Dinner & on-stage entertainment Set menu
19.40 – 20.00 Lucky Draw  










▪ 2024 K-Medical Roadshow
An offline integrated festival with various interactive & experience programs and/or on-stage entertainment
o Date : 18-20 or 24-26 October 2024 (3 days)
o Venue : shopping mall (open for suggestion, preferably shopping mall with high visitors traffic)
o Type of event : B2C event (business & promotion)
o Target audience : general public, middle-upper class, beauty & health enthusiasts, avid travelers
o Participant : Korea – around 20 institutions, 1 KTO Partners – around 2 institutions Indonesia – travel agencies & general visitors
o Objective : Number of visitors and number of purchase*(preferably)
o Press conference to promote 2024 K-Medical Roadshow by inviting medias, partners to introduce the event, related benefits, programs, etc.
o Programs during the B2C event should consider how to attract crowds while providing ideal environment for the exhibitor consultation too. (either through strategic layout, separate venue for business and stage programs, etc.)
o Entertainment and beauty wellness related experience programs to promote Korea’s beauty wellness tourism.
o Booth installation shall include but not limited to points below:
   - KTO booth for Q&A about Korea’s tourism in general, distributing promotional materials, redemption program.
   - Exhibitors booths (22 booths in total) which will be occupied by all exhibitors for consultation and promotional purposes. Each booth will be occupied by maximum 3 people/institutions (2 exhibitors + 1 interpreter)
   - Sales zone for 3-5 travel/medical agencies for selling exhibitors products, medical wellness related tour packages, tickets, etc.

*All installations shall offer one big theme, so that visitor can have a comprehensive journey/experience upon visiting the event.

Scope of Work
Responsible for the whole process of organizing 2024 K-Medical Roadshow including but not limited to creating the concept and design, coordinating with related partners, executing the event and promotional activities, and submitting a post event report which detailed as follows.
o Pre-Event
   - Proposing potential venue and securing the venue for the event.
   - Developing the design and constructing all the installations for the event.
   - Online and offline promotional activities to bring crowd to the venue, as well as media coverage through press release.
   - Managing the business meeting, from inviting buyers, scheduling, and executing the meeting flow.
   - Doing rehearsal session if deemed necessary.
o During Event
   - Developing and executing ideas for on-venue cultural activities and/or entertainment, including but not limited to creating interactive experience booth programs and on-stage entertainment. Singers, groups, entertainers, etc. from Korea shall be invited to perform if deemed necessary.
   - Opening and/or closing ceremony with a news-worthy highlight on the rundown.
o Post-Event
   - Submit post-event report and event documentation.
   - Deliver remaining promotional materials from venue to KTO Jakarta (if any)
o Others
   - Provide hospitality service to foreign exhibitors from Korea, including but not limited to hotel – airport transport and vice versa with at least 1 (one) Korean speaking guide to assist their check in/out and arrival/departure process.
   - Other additional tasks deemed necessary for all programs to run smoothly and safely, including but not limited to obtaining related permits, hiring security team, providing Covid 19 prevention measures, etc.
   - Korean-Indonesian interpreter for each participating exhibitor.


Each participant is required to submit 1(one) soft file version of the offering quotation and proposal. Kindly send itto [email protected] (cc: [email protected]). Late submission will not be accepted.

General Requirements and Information:
1. The language used in the procedures will be English and the currency will be in Indonesia rupiah.(The contract will be written in English)
2. Expenses for preparation and submission of the proposal will be borne by theparticipant.
3. There will be no secondary use of the submitted proposal without the permission of the person who proposes the relevant proposal.
4. Event date and budget are subject to change.

We are expecting a thoughtful project that can accommodate to spread awareness whilst also can support our focus shift to encourage sales. We are open to any suggestion and cooperation suggestion
with Bank or other potential partners. If you have any questions or want to discuss regarding this project, do not hesitate to contact PIC for this project Ms. Seini at [email protected] / 0856-4144-1544.


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